25627 Beautifully hand-painted wooden replica of one of the earliest steam locomotives, complete with bright red cow-catcher. 8" x 3 1/4"x 4 1/2" high.
Retail Price $10.95
Your Price $8.20

27308 This deluxe personal care set is packed with all the implements for meticulous nail care, plus a razor, comb and more! 6" x 3 7/8".
Retail Price $17.95
Your Price $13.45

27300 Genuine embossed leather wallet portrays a fisherman catching a fish. Removable pass case, two credit card slots, currency divider. Specify black or tan. Clear display gift box.
Retail Price $15.95
Your Price $11.95
Qty. Black.
Qty. Tan.

27299 Genuine leather wallet embossed with mountains and bears. Removable pass case, two credit card slots, currency divider. Specify black or tan. Clear display gift box.
Retail Price $15.95
Your Price $11.95
Qty. Black.
Qty. Tan.
This is the inside of Items 27299-0


Crystal Creations Musical WGlobes
Perfume Bottles Flowers
Patchwork Business Cases Musical Sculptures

  Send mail to byron@giftcenter.com with questions or comments about this web site.
Last modified: August 10, 1997

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