25627 Beautifully
hand-painted wooden replica of one of the
earliest steam locomotives, complete with
bright red cow-catcher. 8" x 3
1/4"x 4 1/2" high.
27308 This deluxe
personal care set is packed with all the
implements for meticulous nail care, plus a
razor, comb and more! 6" x 3 7/8".
27300 Genuine embossed
leather wallet portrays a fisherman catching
a fish. Removable pass case, two credit card
slots, currency divider. Specify black or
tan. Clear display gift box.
27299 Genuine leather
wallet embossed with mountains and bears.
Removable pass case, two credit card slots,
currency divider. Specify black or tan. Clear
display gift box.
This is the inside of Items 27299-0 |