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    Captivating collections of handcrafted cork.. elaborate works of art depicting restful scenes of peace and tranquility in breathtaking detail. Truly the ancient art of cork sculpture has never been put on finer display than in these masterpieces.

21337 Cork sculpture with arched top houses a tranquil Far Eastern setting. 4 7/8" x 4" x 8 1/2" high.
Retail Price $19.95
Your Price $14.95

25548 Three inquisitive panda bears explore the bamboo canes in their cork-sculptured world. Their round glass frame is supported by a carved and lacquered base. 9 1/2" x 2 3/8" x 11 5/8" high.
Retail Price $24.95
Your Price $18.70

21343 Cork sculpture with rectangular frame and ornate wooden base. 4 3/4" x 3 1/2" x 7 1/4" high.
Retail Price $17.95
Your Price $13.45

23551 This unique sculpture depicts a horse-drawn cart with driver and passenger, trotting along a lovely country road. Black lacquered glass case. 9" long, 9" high.
Retail Price $34.95
Your Price $26.20

23553 A jolly Buddha finds something to smile about as he looks over the peaceful setting in this charming cork sculpture. Red glass case, highly lacquered with a carved base. 9" x 2 3/4" x 9" high.
Retail Price $21.95
Your Price $16.45

23552 An elongated oval glass case, lacquered to a high gloss in brilliant red, displays a waterside scene in all its beauty. 14" x 6 7/8" high.
Retail Price $27.95
Your Price $20.95

24602 A delicate rendition of a classic Chinese junk, rendered in finest detail in cork and encased in a black lacquered circular frame. 9" x 2 9/16" x 9 1/8" high.
Retail Price $19.95
Your Price $14.95


Alabastrite Bears | Birdhouses | Business Cases | Crystal Creations |Curio Shelves | Decorative Vases
Cork Sculptures | From a Distant Land | History and Heritage | Jewelry Boxes | Maiku Collection
Musical Metal Sculptures | Musical Waterballs | Patchwork Pals | Perfume Bottles | Porcelain Birds
Porcelain Eagles | Porcelain Flowers | Super Values

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Last modified: April 02, 1999